Sunday, July 9, 2023

The Congress of the Commonwealth of the Philippines Convenes

Today in Philippine History (Philatelic Edition Series 2):

JULY 9, 1945

The Congress of the Commonwealth of the Philippines also known as the Postwar Congress and Liberation Congress convened for the first time for its regular session after the reestablishment of the Commonwealth Government in 1945. 

The Congress was a meeting of the bicameral legislature composed of the Senate and House of Representatives. 

President Sergio Osmeña, who replaced Manuel L. Quezon after his death in 1944, called it to convene for five special sessions. 

It was the first time the people’s representatives met after they were elected on November 11, 1941. 

Manuel Roxas was elected Senate President, Elpidio Quirino as President Pro Tempore, Jose Zulueta as Speaker of the House, and Prospero Sanidad as Speaker Pro Tempore. 

The first law they enacted was Commonwealth Act 672 which organized the Central Bank of the Philippines. 

They tackled the issue of collaboration where a People’s Court was created to investigate and charge prominent people accused of having collaborated with, or given aid to, the Japanese.

(Design, concept, stamps and research: Richard Allan B. Uy) All rights reserved

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