Friday, March 14, 2014

Jerald Kervin Uy Plays Dopey in Walt Disney's Treasures



I am one proud dad as I watch my son Jerald Kervin act on stage in Benedicto College's musical play Walt Disney's Treasures (From Classroom to Stage). He plays the part of Dopey the dwarf in the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs scenes.

Cebu's well-known educator and director, Dr. Milagros Espina creates a potpourri of selected scenes from Disney movies such as The Lion King, Tarzan, Aladdin, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Mulan, The Little Mermaid, Frozen and Sleeping Beauty.

The show opened at the school's Artist Hall at 10:00AM and 4:00PM on March 14, 2014 which is also Jerald Kervin's 10th birthday.

Director Mila Espina auditioned students from the grade school, high school and college departments of Benedicto College while the production crew comprise the faculty and students. 

Walt Disney's Treasures is the first of a series of stage presentations that Benedicto College will come up with. 

Congratulations to everyone from the director, the cast, the production crew, the school administration, the teachers and parents for a very successful event. We all enjoyed watching the hour and a half presentation.

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