Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Hearts' Day!

Today is Valentine's Day! Here's a stamp to remind us all of how special this day is.

This 10p stamp was released by the Philippine Postal Corporation (Philpost) on January 14, 2013. The design was done by Victorino Z. Serevo and Rey Anthony D. Alejandro, OJT from TUP.

The “Mahal Kita” 2013 Valentine’s Day Stamp is a stylized drawing of a couple holding hands, wearing traditional Filipino costumes who profess their love for each other. The man hands in a bouquet of flowers while the woman is shown holding a love letter. 

Philpost promotes this stamp with the following info: 

The Filipinos are really romantic and loving people. And no holiday brings out the romantic in us than Valentine’s Day. 

Nothing matters more than love on Valentine's Day. And nothing conveys love to your sweetheart better than a well-composed romantic letter. A beautiful love-letter has been known to win many hearts and seduce many souls. A powerful weapon in a lover's arsenal, a love-letter is an indispensable part of Valentine's Day celebrations. 

Come what may, romance will never be lost to Pinoys. As long as there are people falling in love, love letters will always be written, cherished and enjoyed forever by the grateful recipient. 

These cards and letters sent through mail, are most of the time kept through the years for sentimental reasons.

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