Saturday, October 31, 2009

Cebu Stamp Club's CSCI Newsletter October 2009 Issue

The October 2009 Issue of Cebu Stamp Club's CSCI Newsletter is now available to those who would like to have a free copy.

Just send an email request to

Friday, October 30, 2009

Hindi Ka Nag-iisa

I am quite impressed with this new video featuring Senator Noynoy Aquino. A vid that captures the heart!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Philippine Stamp Bulletin 2009: Dr. Rodolfo S. Cornejo

The Philippine Postal Corporation issues a stamp to commemorate the birth centenary of Dr. Rodolfo S. Cornejo

Kind of Issue: Commemorative
Denomination & Quantity: P7 (35,000)
Date of Issue: May 15, 2009
Last Day of Sale: May 14, 2010
Size of Stamps: 30mm x 40mm
Sheet Composition: 50 (5x10)
Perforation: 14
Printing Process: Litho Offset (4 colors)
Paper: Imported Unwatermarked
Printer: Amstar Company, Inc.
Designer: Jesus Alfredo D. Delos Santos
Graphic Designer: Angelica Joy B. Mestizo
Project Coordinator: Rodrigo G. Cornejo
Design: Photo of Dr. Rodolfo S. Cornejo, piano keyboard, musical composition and a conductor's silhouete as background

Dr. Rodolfo S. Cornejo was a distinguished Filipino composer-pianist-conductor and professional lecturer. He was a musician who became church organist at the age of 8, a composer at the age of 10, whose composition was published when he was 13 (a military march entitled "Salute" dedicated to then Governor-General Leonard Wood of the Commonwealth Period), a holder of a Teacher's Diploma from the University of the Philippines at 23, a degree holder of Master in Music (Mus.M.) in Composition conferred by the Chicago Musical College at 24.

His Symphonic Suite in 5 movements, which was well received by his American professors in New York, was finished within 28 days.

He served as director-pianist for the American USO Concert Unit in Europe during World War II (a Captain assigned to the 9th U.S. Air Force Special Service Division), and was appointed by then Pres. Manuel L. Quezon as Researcher and Official Composer of the Philippine Government-in-exile in Washington D.C. (ironically, his composition was used as background music for a documentary film taken on the funeral of the President).

After the war he became a piano soloist with the New York Symphony Orchestra, the CBS Symphony Orchestra, and the Los Angeles WPA Symphony Orchestra and others.

He returned to the Philippines and became a soloist with the Manila Symphony Orchestra. He was composer and musical director of Sampaguita and Vera Perez movie companies, directing the musical scores of 27 movies. He taught Humanities at the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila.

His rare and distinct talent was his exceptional ability to render on piano classical and contemporary "on-the-spot" improvisations based on a succession of notes or number given by the audience.

He has been nominated and considered several times for the prestigious National Artist Award in Music.

He passed away on 11 August 1991 at the age of 82.
(the above info is from the Philippine Postal Corporation Philatelic Bulletin)

Friday, October 23, 2009

United Nations Secretary General on Philippine Stamps

"The United Nations is doing its utmost to respond — to address the big issues, to look at the big picture. We are forging a new multilateralism that can deliver real results for all people, especially those most in need." United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stresses in his United Nations Day 2009 speech.

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon appeared on a Philippine stamp set released by the Philippine Postal Corporation (Philpost) on October 29, 2008.

Featured on the P7.00 stamp is Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon while the P26.00 stamp portrays him with Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. The stamps were issued to highlight his visit to the Philippines last year.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Buying Philippine Stamps Online

There used to be a time when stamp collectors had a hard time finding the stamps to add to their collections.

With the advent of the internet, things became easier. With just a click of a finger, one can already buy stamps or things right at the comfort of one's home.

The most popular and safest venue to shop online is Ebay. Books, collectibles, computers, toys, stamps and furnitures are just some of the things one can buy. I have bought a lot of Philippine stamps and Star Wars items there and I never had a problem receiving them.

There was only one instance when I bought some miniature figures for my HO scale mini city from a Hong Kong buyer and the items did not arrive. I believe it might have been lost in transit so I informed them about it. Immediately thereafter, they shipped a similar item and this time, I got it. You can call me one of Ebay's satisfied customers.

Among my favorite Philippine stamp sellers in Ebay is Henry Chua. He goes by the name "Stamp Addict" and has lots of cool stamps in his site. Henry is also a lifetime member of Cebu Stamp Club, Incorporated. Start checking his site for the missing stamps in your collection.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Cebu Stamp Club October 2009 Meetup

We missed a lot of regular members today in our monthly Cebu Stamp Club meetup. Sharee Ann Trapa and Dinah Potolin had to attend the anniversary and fellowship of their Christian church. Edmund Gruenbaum left for Camotes, a small island that is part of Cebu. Kenneth Turner and Ricky Teves begged off because of medical reasons while Dr. Vicente Avanzado is also out of town. Some sent in SMS messages suggesting if the meeting can be postponed for next week but we had to turn down their suggestion.

Janice Benolerao, Richard Guimbarda, Edwin Uy, Eyan Yu, Janus Bariñan and Elbert Montuno arrived on time at 2:00 PM at the 2/F of McDonald's Jones.

Aside from the usual philatelic sharing of ideas, the exhibition guidelines and entry forms for the December 2009 Cebu StampShow 2009 Philatelic Competition were distributed and explained to everyone. A brief lecture on how to create an exhibit entry was conducted.

Reina Tugot's cash donation for the new exhibition frames and stands was acknowledged and these will be patterned from those used in international competitions. My personal thanks again to Reina.

The awarding of winners and the distribution of the Certificate of Participation will be held a day after the opening ceremony and coincides with the club's 2009 Christmas Party at the Fisherman's Net Restaurant.

New Cebu Stamp Club members for the month were also acknowledged. The club welcomes Anthony Emit of Cebu City and Henry Chua of Metro Manila. Henry is popularly known in Ebay as Stamp Addict. Check out Henry's auction page in Ebay for those stamps you are missing.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The 2009 Philippine Stamps (3rd Quarter)

These are the 3rd quarter Philippine stamp issues released by the Philippine Postal Corporation (Philpost).
  • Philippine Che Yong Cua & Chua Family Association, 100 years (July 15)
  • Pheepoy, Philpost Mascot (July 27)
  • Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines, Inc., Golden Jubilee (July 31)
  • Philippines-Brunei Agricultural Cooperation (August 3)
  • Philippines-Singapore 40 Years of Dipolomatic Relations (August 28)
  • Baguio Centennial (September 1)
  • President Cory Aquino (September 8)
  • President Cory Aquino re-issue (September 18)
  • International Year of Natural Fibers (September 10)
  • Deep Sea Lobsters of the Philippines (September 30)

Friday, October 16, 2009

President Manuel L. Quezon's Newest Stamp

It's been quite some time since the last stamp featuring President Manuel L. Quezon was issued. The Philippine Presidents on Stamps website showcased the August 19, 1997 Manuel Quezon University stamp along with the other stamps of the first Commonwealth President.

Last October 12, 2009, the Philippine Postal Corporation released the newest Manuel L. Quezon stamp as part of the P28 block of 4 stamp and P28 souvenir sheet issued to commemorate Quezon City's 70th anniversary.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Star Wars Episode II Secret Bottle Caps

The Star Wars Episode II Pepsi Cola Bottle Caps Collection included two hard to find caps intended for the Japanese market way back when the promo was ongoing in 2002.

These two bottle caps include a back to back head of Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader (#53) and Clone Trooper and Jango Fett (#54).

I never expected that Cedric, my favorite Ebay seller could come out with the two rare items. Of course, I didn't waste time buying it early this week.

Faces in the Forest

Here's a fun pic I borrowed from my facebook page . Can you count how many faces you can see?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Halo Over Moscow

A few days ago, an interesting video was taken showing a halo of clouds over Moscow. Some say it is a UFO, some say that it is just a digital illusion while others say it is similar to a scene in the movie Independence Day where a giant spaceship hovers above the Earth.

Now, meteorologists say it isn't a digital effect nor a UFO. Officials from Moscow's weather department say that it is an optical illusion. They claim that "..several fronts have been passing through Moscow recently, there was an intrusion of the Arctic air too, the sun was shining from the west — this is how the effect was produced."

I don't believe in UFO's but this illusion really rocks. Click here to see the video.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Michael Jackson's Newest Song

Four month's after the death of Michael Jackson, the unreleased song "This Is It" was unveiled to the world yesterday.

The recording includes the vocals of Michael Jackson's brothers and is included in the soon to be released film "Michael Jackson's This Is It".

Meanwhile, a stamp honoring the King of Pop cannot be issued by the USPS until five years after his death. The United States Postal Service and Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee further forbids the consideration of the stamp until at least three years after his death.

The only exception to the five-year rule is the issuance of stamps featuring deceased United States presidents which are issued on the first anniversary of their birth that comes after their death.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Edgar Allan Poe Finally Gets Grand Funeral

Famous American writer Edgar Allan Poe finally gets a grand funeral in Baltimore, USA after 160 years.

Known as the "Father of the Mystery Novel" and one of America's most famous poets and fiction writers, He died poor in October 1849 at the age of 40.

Read more from an ABS-CBN News feature.

Edgar Allan Poe was immortalized on American stamps on January 16, 2009 to commemorate his 200th birth anniversary.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Our Lady of La Naval

Every second Sunday of October marks the feast day of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary of La Naval, the Patroness of Quezon City.

This miraculous image was made in 1593 upon the request of Spanish Governor General Luis Perez Dasmariñas. Hernando de los Rios Coronel was tasked to see to it that the image was well carved by a Chinese artisan who was commissioned to do the job.

The Lady of La Naval is fifty six inches tall with her head and hands made of ivory. The Holy Child's image was made entirely of ivory. After more than 400 years, the image still retains its majestic and imposing beauty.

The greatest miracle attributed to the Lady of the Holy Rosary was in 1646 when 15 well-armed Dutch ships wiped out out the entire Spanish fleet in the Philippines. Two antiquated merchant galleons were commissioned and armed to repulse the Protestant Dutch invaders.

Before the battle began, Dominican priests embarked on the ships and asked the defenders to make a vow to the Nuetra Señora del Santissimo Rosario to make Her their personal and special patroness. Another promise they made was to make a grand feast in her honor once they won the battle.

True enough, the Spanish fleet defeated the Dutch and sank all its ships in six battles. This famous battle is known in history as the La Naval de Manila.

Photo above features the Our Lady of La Naval stamp issued by Philpost on October 18, 1993 to celebrate Her quadricentennial. The design was done by Ruperto Naval.

Cory and Ninoy's Wedding Anniversary

Today is the 55th wedding anniversary of the country's greatest couple.

Senator Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino and Corazon "Cory" Cojuangco were joined together in Holy Matrimony at the Our Lady of Sorrows Church in F.B. Harrison Street in Pasay City on October 11, 1954. Cory's gown was done by famous Philippine fashion designer Pitoy Moreno. President Ramon Magsaysay stood as their sponsor.

On their 19th wedding anniversary, a beautiful poem "I Have Fallen In Love With The Same Woman Thrice" was written by Ninoy for Cory which Filipino Balladeer Jose Mari Chan made into a song. Christian Bautista revived this song in his latest album featuring the songs of Jose Mari Chan.

Friday, October 9, 2009

An Interesting Erap Stamp

Joseph Ejercito Estrada became the 13th president of the Philippines in 1998. His term would have ended in 2004 but EDSA 2 cut short his stay in office and catapulted his vice president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo to the presidency.

In 2000, the Philippine Postal Corporation issued a set of stamps featuring the Philippine Presidents. The stamp that bore Erap's vignette featured the year "1998-2004". The Erap stamp was not that interesting during that time. But after his ouster, collectors started to have a second look at the stamp.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Upgrading Cebu Stamp Club's Exhibition Stands and Frames

For the past 13 years, Cebu Stamp Club, Incorporated (CSCI) under my leadership has lived up to its promise to promote the stamp collecting hobby.

Exhibits were held in different schools, malls, cities and municipalities all over the Province of Cebu and in the cities of Dumaguete and Bacolod.

The cooperation of the Philippine Postal Corporation Region 7, the Cebu City Cultural and Historical Affairs Commission, the University of Southern Philippines Foundation, various corporations, government agencies and individuals have made all our exhibits successful.

In December this year, the club will open the Cebu StampShow 2009 at SM City Cebu Mall. This is a competitive philatelic exhibition exclusively for Cebu Stamp Club members that will showcase their different collections in different levels and categories.

To make the event more presentable, the club's exhibition frames and stands will have to be upgraded. The design will be similar to those used in international competitions (see above photo). This will bring our exhibits to a higher level and captivate more people to start collecting stamps.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

President Barack Obama's Chef is a Filipina

Who would ever thought that the person who ensures the security and well-being of the stomach of the most powerful man on the planet is a Filipina.

Cristeta Pasia Comerford is US President Barack Obama's Executive Chef. The first woman, the first minority, and the first Filipino to hold that position.

Comerford grew up in Sampaloc, Manila and took up Food Technology at the University of the Philippines-Dilliman. Her studies in U.P. was cut short after her brother's petition for her to go to the US was approved.

In the US, she managed to work as a chef in Chicago's Sheraton and Hyatt Regency Hotels. She later worked at the Le Grande Bistro at the Westin Hotel and at the Ana Hotel's The Colonnade.

She was hired as assistant chef in 1995 by White House executive chef Walter Scheib. After Scheib's resignation in 2005, First Lady Laura Bush took her in as his replacement.

When President Barack Obama became president, Comerford retained her position as White House Executive Chef.

The World's First Basketball Stamp

A friend who loves basketball asked me if I happen to know and have in my collection the first basketball stamp of the world. He may be testing my philatelic knowledge or just kidding around but when I told him that the world's first basketball stamp came from the Philippines and I do have it, he got so excited and asked if he may see the stamp.

The Philippines owns the distinction as the first country to issue the first postage stamp featuring basketball. The 16-cent stamp was released on April 14, 1934 to commemorate the Tenth Far Eastern Championship Games. The Philippines was then under the United States of America.

The game of basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world today. Dr. James Naismith introduced the sport in 1891 at the YMCA Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts. Through YMCA, basketball gained worldwide acceptance since 1893.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Shroud of Turin Mystery

One of Christianity's disputed relics is the Shroud of Turin which believers claim is the burial cloth of Jesus Christ.

Scientists who have tested it in 1988 by using the Carbon Dating method say that it dates back around 1260-1390 but believers dispute their findings. One thing that baffled scientists was how the image was left on the cloth.

Just lately, an Italian scientist claims he has reproduced the Shroud. Click here to follow how he did it.

Jar Jar Binks with Kaadu Diorama

Another diorama I made features Jar Jar Binks and Kaadu. The background I used is a photoshopped image of Naboo before the Battle of Grassy Plains.

Jar Jar Binks is an outcast Gungan from the planet Naboo. He appeared in the Star Wars movies The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, and The Clone Wars.

The Kaadu is a large two-legged reptavian used by the Gungans as mounts. Fast runners and strong swimmers, they are known to be fearless creatures that are loyal to their Gungan masters.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Japanese Occupation of the Philippines Stamps

One of most challenging stamps to collect for those who are into serious Philippine era collecting is the Japanese Occupation of the Philippines. Although some are still sold in Ebay stores, there are some that are very hard to find nowadays.

The invasion of the Philippines by the Japanese Imperial Forces in World War II is among the darkest chapters of Philippine history. Many American and Filipinos died defending the country from the Japanese.

As I open the pages of my Japanese Occupation stamps, I am reminded of their sacrifices and how they fought the invaders to free our land.

Cebu Stamp Club's "Philippine Stamps" Volume #1, Number #2 e-Magazine features the complete images and info of the Japanese Occupation stamps.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Philippine Stamp Bulletin 2009: Philippines-Korea Diplomatic Relations, 60th Anniversary

The Philippine Postal Corporation issues a pair of stamps in celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Philippines-Korea Diplomatic Relations.

Kind of Issue: Special
Denomination & Quantity: P7 (70,000)
Date of Issue: March 3, 2009
Last Day of Sale: March 2, 2010 (As stocks allow)
Size of Stamps: 40mm x 30mm
Sheet Composition: 10 (2x5)
Perforation: 14
Printing Process: Litho Offset (4 colors)
Paper: Imported Unwatermarked
Printer: Amstar Company, Inc.
Design Coordinators: Victorino Serevo (Philippines) and Sojeong Kim (Korea)
Design: Panagbenga Flower Festival (Philippines) and Sonori (Cow Play) in Hangawi (Korea)

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Philippines bilateral relations with Korea. Korea is one of the Philippines largest trading partners. The mututal understanding of the Philippines and Korea is shown when the Armed Forces of the Philippines helped Korea and its allies during the Korean War better known as the Philippine Expedition Forces to Korea (PEFTOK) under the United Nations command with Gen. Douglas McArthur, as commanding general.

In celebration of the 60 Years of the Philippines-Korea Diplomatic Relations, the Philippine Postal Corporation will issue a joint stamp together with Korea Post featuring the Philippines' Panagbenga Flower Festival and Korea's Sonori (Cow Play) in Hangawi.

The Panagbenga Flower Festival is celebrated in the whole month of February in Baguio City which is considered not only the Philippine's summer capital because of its cool climate but also the country's flower capital where various kinds of beautiful flowers bloom. The festival showcase the rich and colorful variations of flowers blooming within the city.

Spectacular cars festooned with floral decorations are followed by dancers and citizens who decorate themselves with flowers marching though out the streets cheerfully singing and dancing. It is also during this time of the year that the city blooms with a certain enigmatic smile that captures the enthusiasm of Filipinos.

Hangawi (Chuseok) which falls on the 15th of August of the lunar calendar, is one of the biggest holidays in Korea, when people celebrate the years' good harvest and observe worship service to family ancestors. At this time, when newly harvested grains and fruits are abundant, as indicated in the saying "May everyday be neither more or less than Hangawi!" the Sonori is performed. To the tune of cheerful musical instruments of the farmer's band, two people put on straw mats shaped like a cow and visit door to door, wishing a years' good harvest, peace and tranquility.
(the above info is from the Philippine Postal Corporation Philatelic Bulletin)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Pope John Paul II Stamps That Were Never Issued

When Pope John Paul II became the new pope, the Philippine Postal Administration decided to come out with a set of stamps that were intended to be released to coincide with the new pope's first visit to the Philippines.

In 1980, the stamps were printed as it was in this year that the pontiff was expected to visit the country. Right after the printing of the stamps, it was learned that the pope's visit will be in 1981. The printed stamps with the 1980 year were ordered destroyed but a few copies leaked. These stamps are now considered as rarities.

On February 17, 1981, the Pope John Paul II Pastoral Visit stamps were issued but this time, the year 1981 replaced the 1980 year. Italy's Staderini SPA printed the stamps and the imperforate souvenir sheet. The First Day Covers were postmarked with Cebu, Bacolod, Davao, Iloilo, Bataan, Legaspi, Bagiuo, and Manila International Airport.

Above photo shows the stamps bearing the 1980 year and the 1981 official stamp mounted on an uncancelled post card.

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels

Today is the Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels and my son's school, the Colegio dela Inmaculada Concepcion Mandaue is celebrating it with a memorable program.

My son has always done things that made me very proud of him. At an early age he has shown to us his different talents in arts, drawing, writing, reading, dancing, singing and the use of the computer. The latest is public speaking. Hmmm, like father like son!

Inside the school's AVR, 5-year old Jerald Kervin garbed in an angel costume went up the stage and delivered a short but meaningful welcome address. I could clearly hear his voice as he opened the program... "To our dear sisters, parents, teachers and friends. Good afternoon! We are happy to present to you our simple yet meaningful presentation as we celebrate the feast of the Holy Guardian Angel. So just relax and have fun. Thank you very much!"

Parents, teachers, nuns and children applauded him. Today is the very first time that people clapped for him.

The Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels began in many local calendars centuries ago and became widely known during the 16th century. On September 27, 1608, the feast to venerate the angels was declared by Pope Paul V. Pope Clement X elevated it to October 2 and made it an obligatory double for the whole church. It was later raised as a double major rank by Pope Leo XIII on April 5, 1883.

Cebu Stamp Club's "Philippine Stamps" e-Magazine

Collecting Philippine stamps and completing them are two different things. There was a time when stamp collectors who wanted to collect Philippine stamps were at a loss on what the complete stamp issues are in a particular year. There are Philippine stamp catalogs made by the late Abraham Luspo and Dr. Ngo Tiong Tak but both catalogs are not updated with the recent stamp issues.

To address this, I started to conceptualize the design and contents of Cebu Stamp Club's Philippine Stamps website in the later part of 2007. Creating a website and maintaining it involves cost and time. I needed something immediate so the project was put on hold for the time being and came up with a different concept. This led to the publication of the "Philippine Stamps" quarterly e-magazine early this year.

Since January, we came out with three issues and we will be publishing the last issue for the year anytime this month.

Unlike the monthly CSCI Newsletter that is given for free to anyone who requests it, the Philippine Stamps e-magazine is exclusively sent to regular members of Cebu Stamp Club, Incorporated. Both publications are in pdf format.

For Cebu Stamp Club membership inquiries, send email to

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Star Wars Miniatures

Kinda bored today so me and Kervin decided to play around with some of my Star Wars miniatures that I got from Ebay. The figures are composed of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, R2D2, Yoda, and a Storm Trooper. The small figs measure around an inch and a half.

The background is from a scene in Star Wars Episode IV that I photoshopped and printed.