Completing the Pepsi Cola Bottle Caps Star Wars Episode III took me a longer time than the previous episodes I collected. Episode I has 52 figures, Episode II with 52, and Episode III has 60 caps.
One of the figures that is rare and hard to find is bottle cap # 22 featuring Jabba the Hutt. The toy is much bigger than all the figures of the three episodes.
Thanks to Dennis and Cedric of Ebay, I got most of the missing pieces. I am close to completing my Episode III set with only one figure missing. It should have been eleven but Cedric sent me the ten figs that arrived yesterday afternoon. It included my sought after Jabba the Hutt figure.
Hopefully by the end of the year, I will have the last piece to complete my collection - bottle cap #22 General Grievous. So officially, it's 59 down and 1 more to go!
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